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2. Tab Duplicator Shortcut - Chrome Web Store
Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-duplicator-shortcut/dbpmgojhkioibaampnbpiiblpdjmkbjc
Description: Nov 12, 2018 . Infinity New Tab. 10,698. Ad. Added. Replaces default cursor with something cute, funny and trendy. Change the usual mouse pointer to an amazing custom cursor. Cute Cursors - Custom Cursor for Chrome. 10,864. Ad.
3. Duplicate Tabs Closer - Chrome Web Store
Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/duplicate-tabs-closer/gnmdbogfankgjepgglmmfmbnimcmcjle
Description: Jun 14, 2020 . Your duplicate tab tool does not detect duplicates between an active and suspended tab. The url of the active tab is usually encoded in the url of the suspended tab. And it would be life saving for our teams if your awesome tool was able to detect a tab in either state, e.g. try to open a link to a doc (that’s already open but suspended) and ...
4. SOS - Request duplicate registration or replace tab
Link: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-96435_98971_98069_95870---,00.html
Description: Duplicate watercraft, snowmobile and moped registrations can be ordered online or at a branch office. To request a duplicate registration or replace a tab online, you will need to follow the prompts and create an account with a user ID and password.
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6. WordPress Duplicator - Quick Start - Snap Creek Software
Link: https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/docs/quick-start/
Description: Goto Duplicator Packages click "Create New" button ; On Step 1 Setup Archive check "Archive Only the Database" Build package then download installer and archive files; 2. Transfer installer and archive to target location. Login to target location via FTP, cPanel or your host's control panel tools
7. LA CAFE - Louisiana CAFE Customer Portal
Link: https://cafe-cp.doe.louisiana.gov/edselfservice/selfserviceLogout?duplicateLogin=Y&tab=1
Description: The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) provides the following programs through a separate CAFÉ customer portal: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly Food Stamps) Provides monthly benefits that help low-income households buy the …
8. My Account - Login - CD Baby
Link: https://duplication.cdbaby.com/MyAccount/login.aspx
Description: 3. Click on the "Cookies" tab. 4. Check the box corresponding to "Allow sites to set Cookies. 5. Click "OK" to save changes. Opera. 1. Click on the "Tools" menu and then click Preferences. 2. Change to the Advanced tab, and to the cookie section. 3. Select "Accept …
10. Duplicator Sales & Service
Link: https://duplicatorsales.net/
Description: Duplicator Sales and Service offers a wide array of business solutions such as Managed IT, Document Management, and Managed Print Services. Since 1989, Braden has been providing businesses in Central Indiana with high-quality office equipment, innovative …
11. LA CAFE - Louisiana CAFE Provider Portal
Link: https://cafe-cp.dcfs.la.gov/providerservice/selfserviceLogout?duplicateLogin=Y&tab=1
Description: Tracking of Time Services (TOTS) TOTS for Providers is the electronic time and attendance process that LDE uses to keep track of the time children spend in care with child care providers. TOTS gives child care providers with internet access the ability to view their authorizations and the attendance reports for their authorized children online.
12. Automated Trading Made Simple | DupliTrade Automated
Link: https://www.duplitrade.com/
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14. SOS - e-Services - Michigan
Link: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1640_14837-380898--,00.html
Description: Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. Elections. Michigan Voter Information Center (MVIC) Election Administrator Information
15. Duplicator Pro: Official Home of the #1 WordPress Migrate
Link: https://snapcreek.com/duplicator/
Description: If you install the same theme, plugins or content on all your WordPress sites then Duplicator can save you a lot of time. Instead of manually configuring the same themes and plugins over and over, just configure one site and bundle it into a Duplicator package. Install the package to create a pre-configured site on as many locations as you want!
16. LA CAFE - Louisiana CAFE Customer Portal
Link: https://sspweb.ie.dcfs.la.gov/selfservice/selfserviceLogout?duplicateLogin=Y&tab=1&groupLoginFail=9
Description: The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) provides assistance to families to help pay for the child care needed in order to work, or attend school or training and is now provided by the Louisiana Department of Education. Please click here for more information about CCAP in the CAFE LDE Customer Portal.
17. Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS — WordPress.org
Link: https://wordpress.org/
Description: Open source software which you can use to easily create a beautiful website, blog, or app.
18. Gmail Help - Google
Link: https://support.google.com/mail/?hl=en
Description: Out of office or vacation reply. Use Gmail offline. Create labels to organize Gmail. Display & accessibility. Try experimental features in Gmail. Show your calendar status in Gmail. Change your Gmail availability & status. Smart features & personalization controls in Gmail, Chat, Meet, and other Google services.
19. Duplicator Pro - Easy WordPress Migration & Backup Plugin
Link: https://kairaweb.com/backup-or-migrate-wordpress-site-with-duplicator-pro/
Description: Jul 04, 2019 . The Duplicator plugin (Free & Pro) is a little more hands on in that you will need to know how to FTP the provided package files to a new server and enter the new database details, but that’s all, from then on it’s all neatly displayed in a simple to use interface. We recommend using Duplicator for Migrating your website, performing regular ...