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1. Box | Login
Link: https://pancanal.account.box.com/login
Description: Welcome! We have setup this service in order to provide the facility of files interchange mainly with 3rd parties. Of course, file interchange with Panama Canal employees is also available. PLEASE ! Contact [email protected] for access for Panama Canal users, if …
2. Internal Portal - PanCanal.com - Panama Canal
Link: https://www.pancanal.com/eng/private.html
Description: Internal Portal. Section for use by members of the Advisory Board of the ACP and other authorized personnel. Section for use by members of the Board of Directors of the ACP and other authorized personnel. Register your innovative solution.. Via Box.NET, transfer files with others.
3. Login
Link: https://reservascvm.delcanal.com/reservacvm/login.aspx
Description: Login. Email. Password. Forgot Password? Keep Me Logged In Keep me logged in. Remember Me Remember me. Don´t have an account? Create one now: OR LOGIN WITH. Login. Language . English; Español; Email. Password. Forgot Password? Keep Me Logged In Keep me logged in.
4. Canal de Panamá – Juntos somos Panamá
Link: https://micanaldepanama.com/
Description: La propuesta establece una estructura de peajes sobre la base de la unidad de medida CP/SUAB para los buques de pasajeros, a partir de febrero de 2022 El Canal de Panamá publicó una propuesta que modifica la estructura de peajes y las reglas de arqueo de …
7. Panama Canal
Link: http://www.pancanal.com/eng/
Description: The Panama Canal Extends Temporary Relief Measures for Customers to End of 2020. LNG Vessel Completes 10,000th Neopanamax Transit at the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal Resumes Seasonal Measures to Protect Marine Life and Reduce Emissions. Panama Canal Secures Steady Draft, Operational Reliability Following Water Measures. Advisories to Shipping.
8. Canal Connection – English version – Canal de Panamá
Link: https://micanaldepanama.com/canal-connection-en/
Description: Ask the Expert: Silvia de Marucci This month, the Panama Canal celebrates the 4 th anniversary of the Panama Canal Expansion, the waterway’s largest enhancement project since its opening in 1914. Following a decade’s worth of planning and construction, the Expanded Canal was officially inaugurated on June 26, 2016, a historic moment for the ...
9. Panama Canal - Wikipedia
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panama_Canal
Description: The Panama Canal (Spanish: Canal de Panamá) is an artificial 82 km (51 mi) waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean and divides North and South America. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a conduit for maritime trade. One of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken, the Panama Canal shortcut greatly reduces the time for ships to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, enabling them to avoid the lengthy, hazardous Cape Hornroute …
10. El Canal de Panamá - YouTube
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aZ1UEEN1vo
Description: Sep 04, 2014 . El Canal de Panamá que conecta los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico concentra el 5% del comercio marítimo mundial. Habiendo alcanzado su capacidad máxima, el can...
11. Visit Canal de Panamá
Link: https://visitcanaldepanama.com/en/
Description: The Amador Causeway. Built in 1913, with rocks from the excavation of the Culebra Cut during construction of the Panama Canal, the Causeway joins Panama City with four islands: Naos, Perico, Culebra and Flamenco. View more. Plaza de la Independencia, Calle 5a Este. Interoceanic Canal Museum. Open. Wednesday to Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m ...
12. El nuevo Canal de Panamá - YouTube
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V-ocShEoVg
Description: Después de 9 años de construcción, la considerada mayor obra de ingeniería del siglo XXI, ampliará el tránsito y las rutas comerciales del mundo entero.Suscr...
13. Canal do Panamá - YouTube
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zok7qBflRPE
Description: Um país menor que muitos estados brasileiros, mas de extrema importância para a navegação. Álvaro Garnero visitou o famoso Canal do Panamá, um corredor artif...
14. Search - PanCanal.com - Panama Canal
Link: https://www.pancanal.com/eng/search/index.html
Description: This is the Canal; The People's Canal; Visit the Panama Canal; Board of Directors; Advisory Board; Organizational Chart; Quality Management Systems ; Safety Record; Corozal Port; Panama Canal Expansion; Our Clients; Legal Foundations; Accountability; Canal Watershed; Environmental Stewardship; Social and Environmental Report; FAQs; The Panama ...
15. Contact Us - PanCanal.com - Panama Canal
Link: https://www.pancanal.com/eng/contact/index.html
Description: May 20, 2019 . AUTORIDAD DEL CANAL DE PANAMÁ (ACP) (Name, position and title) ACP-OP P.O. Box 526725 Miami FL 33152-6725 : Executive Vice Presidency for Operations - Contact List . Note: 507 is the country code for the Republic of Panama.
16. Campus Virtual | Universidad de Panamá
Link: https://www.up.ac.pa/campusVirtual
Description: El CAMPUS VIRTUAL es la unidad académico-técnica responsable de administrar la plataforma tecnológica de la Universidad de Panamá. Como máximo objetivo, el CAMPUS VIRTUAL se propone consolidar a la Universidad de Panamá como ente de transformación permanente en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, como referente nacional y regional de un proceso educativo a distancia …
17. Transparencia – Canal de Panamá
Link: https://micanaldepanama.com/transparencia/
Description: 24 de julio de 2019 – Canal de Panamá escucha aportes de la industria sobre la propuesta de estructura de peajes en audiencia pública; 5 de octubre de 2021 – Audiencia Pública de Modificación de Peajes; Vigente a la fecha. Último acto el 5 de octubre de 2021. 27.1 Código de ética.