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3. Login - mconnect.milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Link: https://mconnect.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/MPS-Intranet/Login.htm?Login=1&returnurl=%2FMPS-Intranet%2FOHC%2FResources%2FEmployment-Relations%2FMPS_MandatoryCOVID-19Vaccine_FormReligious_1021RW.pdf
Description: How you got to the mConnect login (bookmark, apps page, staff login from website, etc.) We have noticed some intermittent issues and this will help us diagnose the problem. To get past the login page - after logging in - please click the MPS logo at the top of the screen. You should be redirected to the mConnect homepage.
6. Instructor Login - Connect For Education
Link: https://connect4education.com/instructor-login/
Description: Instructor Login. Instructor Login 2017-07-28. Select Your Course Complete all fields in sequential order. Primary Sidebar. Subscribe. Subscribe to our newsletter for insight on teaching with enthusiasm and inspiration. Receive new post notifications via email. Leave Blank: Do Not Change: Footer. Courseware Catalog.
7. myconneCT
Link: https://portal.ct.gov/DRS/myconneCT/myconneCT
Description: The new and improved myconneCT is now available! For a list of business tax types supported by myconneCT, view the "Available now in myconneCT" list below.
8. SKOOLER – mConnect - How to
Link: https://skooler.com/mconnect/how-to/
Description: Please contact mConnect support on [email protected] for more details and how you can granulate permissions. You are now directed to the app management portal and you can see that you have successfully completed the two first steps 1) enter organization details and 2) Grant permissions in Azure AD.
10. Conversdigital
Link: http://conversdigital.com/eng/product/product04.php
Description: Conversdigital. mconnect Player is a media player app to support UPnP/DLNA and Google Cast (Chromecast). - Send Video/Photo/Music in a server and your phone to UPnP and Google Cast (Chromecast) devices. - Play TIDAL, Qobuz and Bugs music & … login
11. SKOOLER – mConnect
Link: https://skooler.com/mconnect/
Description: The mConnect app allows Moodle™ administrators to automatically set up a Team for every Moodle™ course, making all functionality offered through Teams instantly available for every course in Moodle™. The mConnect app is the official app from Microsoft to connect Moodle™ into Teams. The app is developed and supported by Skooler, a long ...
12. Instructor Training Center - Connect Math
Link: https://www.connectmath.com/training
Description: Instructor Training Center. Learn more about Connect Math features and how to maximize your use via the online Training Center. Pre-recorded trainings are conveniently available for your viewing. The ConnectMath User Guide will help you and your colleagues learn more about the features and functions of ConnectMath. Collapse all.
13. Connect | Learning Software | McGraw Hill Higher Education
Link: https://www.mheducation.com/highered/connect.html
Description: With Connect, your students get a personalized and mobile learning system along with a complete eBook designed to fit their busy life. Your Students. With over 500 faculty advisors and 100s of case studies from major course areas, you can easily get …
14. Connect - Login Page
Link: http://www.myconnectnyc.org/
Description: Need more info? Get information in various languages Learn More Here Haga clic aquí para obtener información en español Cliquez ici pour des informations en français Щелкните здесь, чтобы получить информацию на русском языке انقر …
15. Welcome to UMOnline - University of Montana
Link: https://www.umt.edu/umonline/welcome.php
Description: Click “Login to CyberBear” Enter your NetID: xx000000 (first initial + last initial + six numbers) Enter your password. Your initial password is the last six digits of your University ID (the 790# number on your Griz card). You will be prompted during your first logon to change your password and set a security question.