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1. Japanese language proficiency-test bank
Description: Leading Japanese language proficiency-test bank for all JPLT levels N5-N1. All test questions have been compiled by highly experienced teachers. Easy to register! And you will have the result right after finishing the test.
2. Japanese online test - Japanese language proficiency-test bank
Description: Leading Japanese language proficiency-test bank for all JPLT levels N5-N1. All test questions have been compiled by highly experienced teachers. Easy to register! And you will have the result right after finishing the test.
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4. JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
Description: 2018.12.27. "Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Official Practice Workbook Vol. 2" is now available online. 2018.11.27. Data of the test in 2018 (July) is posted. 2018.10.26. Temporary unavailability of the Online Test Results Announcement for the 2018 (July) JLPT (Other countries) 2018.04.25. Data of the test in 2017 (December) is posted.
5. JLPT Indonesia – Japan Language Proficiency Test in Indonesia
Description: JLPT. Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) dikembangkan di Jepang dan telah menjadi standar sertifikasi kompetensi bahasa Jepang di seluruh dunia sejak tahun 1984. Sertifikasi umumnya dibutuhkan untuk study maupun bekerja di negara Jepang maupun lembaga dan perusahaan Jepang pada umumnya. Sebanyak 7,000 peserta dari seluruh dunia mengikuti ...
6. JFT-Basic Japan Foundation Test for Basic Japanese
Description: JFT-Basic seeks to measure the level of Japanese language proficiency needed to communicate in everyday life situations. It is used to assess whether they have the Japanese language proficiency to be able to engage in everyday conversation to a certain extent and handle daily life without difficulties. Feature 1. Many opportunities to take the test
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Description: Nov 06, 2020 . TryJLPT-JAPANESE ONLINE TEST. Techco.,JSC. JLPT Test N1, N2, N3, N4, N5. More by The Tech Bridge. See more. Maharana Pratap International Public School. The Tech Bridge. One platform for everything. The Paradise Residential School. The Tech Bridge. One platform for Everything. Pallavan School Jhalawar.
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Description: ตรวจผลสอบวัดระดับภาษาญี่ปุ่น (JLPT) รอบเดือนธันวาคม 2563 ผ่านทาง online admin - January 18, 2021 0 JLPT
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12. Từ điển Nhật Việt - Kantan - Apps on Google Play
Description: Kantan is a powerful and intelligent Japanese - Vietnamese dictionary application. It allows you to find Japanese - Vietnamese or Vietnamese - Japanese bilingual words, Chinese characters, example sentences, grammar, and grammar usage more quickly and easily than all other applications. Here are a few search examples that we have suggested for ...
13. TRY JLPT - Luyện thi tiếng Nhật miễn phí - Home | Facebook
Description: 3. Truy cập vào: và tham gia vào học ngay. 🔷 Tài khoản học và thi miễn phí bao gồm: 👉 Khóa học tiếng Nhật dành cho người mới bắt đầu. 👉 Kho đề thi tiếng Nhật mọi cấp độ. 👉 Khóa học từ vựng theo chủ đề. 👉 Kho bài học qua video, phim, nhạc ...
14. JLPT :: Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
Description: Please Select. ID Number or Passport Number. Name 名前. Gender Male ( 男 ) Female ( 女 ) Gender. 注:英字26文字のみを使ってください。. 名前はこの欄に書かれた通りに試験結果通知書等に記載されます。. Note : Please use 26 English characters only. Your name will be printed on the certificates as you ...
15. Top 18 website học tiếng Nhật online tốt nhất - Top10tphcm
Description: Jan 10, 2022 . là một trong những trang web học tiếng Nhật Online tốt nhất cung cấp các khóa học luyện thi tiếng Nhật lớn nhất hiện nay. Đặc biệt, bạn sẽ ấn tượng với kho đề thi khổng lồ với hơn 1000 đề thi năng lực tiếng Nhật. Những đề thi tại website đạt chuẩn đề thi JLPT, bạn có thể chọn luyện đề ...
16. Android Apps by Techco.,JSC on Google Play
Description: Từ điển Nhật Việt - Kantan. Techco.,JSC. Kantan is a powerful and intelligent Japanese - Vietnamese dictionary application.
17. TRY JLPT - Luyện thi tiếng Nhật miễn phí - Posts | Facebook
Description: TRY JLPT - Luyện thi tiếng Nhật miễn phí. 26,478 likes · 16 talking about this. Let's Try Sample Questions! | JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test …