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1. Littmann Learning Institute App | Littmann Stethoscopes
Link: https://www.littmann.com/3M/en_US/littmann-stethoscopes/education-center/lli-app/
Description: 3M™ Littmann Learning App. Littmann Learning App, powered by eMurmur, is a powerful app designed to help users better recognize benign and pathological lung sounds, heart sounds and murmurs. It’s great for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical students, residents and fellows. Visual display combined with audio of lung and heart ...
2. Education Training | Littmann Stethoscopes | 3M United States
Link: https://www.littmann.com/3M/en_US/littmann-stethoscopes/education-center/
Description: Become a more effective clinician by learning how to properly use your 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscope, and by learning the clinical skill of auscultation. Exclusive Offers for Students Find help for buying and learning to use a stethoscope, as well as details on special programs for students.
3. 3M Littmann Learning Institute - Apps on Google Play
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.healthacademy.littmanneducation&hl=en&gl=US
Description: The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute app is useful whether you’re at the start of your career or nearing the top of your profession and wanting to refresh your knowledge. It can be used by both Littmann stethoscope owners and those who use a different brand of stethoscope. The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute app includes a range of ...
4. 3M Littmann Learning Institute on the App Store
Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/3m-littmann-learning-institute/id1015421745
Description: Aug 14, 2015 . The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute app is useful whether you’re at the start of your career or nearing the top of your profession and wanting to refresh your knowledge. It can be used by both Littmann stethoscope owners and those who use a different brand of stethoscope. The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute app includes a range of ...
5. Littmann® Learning Institute App | 3M United Kingdom
Link: https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/Littmann-UK/education/lli-app/
Description: The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App includes self-paced lessons with heart and lung sounds, patient scenarios to help improve your diagnostic thinking, self-tests to track your progress, a sound library, and more. Get the app and start training today! Find the Littmann Learning Institute App in the App Store or Google Play.
6. My Littmann Stethoscope | 3M United States
Link: https://www.littmann.com/3M/en_US/littmann-stethoscopes/my-stethoscope/
Description: The free 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App teaches you heart and lung sounds with actual patient cases, and tests your progress. Using Your Stethoscope Get great tips on using your Littmann stethoscope: optimizing performance, using a tunable diaphragm, using an electronic stethoscope, cleaning and care.
7. Learn How to Use a Stethoscope | Littmann Stethoscopes
Link: https://www.littmann.com/3M/en_US/littmann-stethoscopes/education-center/training/
Description: The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App is packed with auscultation training resources that help sharpen your ability to hear. Get details and download the app now; Cardiac Auscultation Instructional Poster Cardiac auscultation is a skill that takes practice. Lots of practice.
8. Littmann Stethoscopes | 3M United States
Link: https://www.littmann.com/3M/en_US/littmann-stethoscopes/
Description: The free 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App teaches you heart and lung sounds with actual patient cases, and tests your progress. Shop Your Style Subscribe for email updates. Stay up to date on the latest news and product information from 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes.
9. Education | 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes
Link: https://www.littmann.ca/3M/en_CA/littmann-stethoscopes-ca/education/
Description: The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App includes self-paced lessons with heart and lung sounds, patient scenarios to help improve your diagnostic thinking, self-tests to track your progress, a sound library, and more. Find the 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App; Download the …
10. Positive & Negative Reviews: 3M Littmann Learning
Link: https://appgrooves.com/app/3m-littmann-learning-institute-by-3m-company/negative
Description: Mar 02, 2021 . Facebook login has been removed (will become unavailable on the 1st December) Profile information changes. 1.2 August 15, 2015. Application Updates. ... Similar to 3M Littmann Learning Institute. Back . Littmann Learning 4.7 Ratings 464+ Reviews 10K+ Downloads. Auscultation education Cost Free Free In-App Purchases $44.99 per item ...
11. The 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute App - YouTube
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EAJfFq_FRI
Description: Listen. Test. Learn. This unique and interactive educational app allows healthcare professionals to apply their auscultation skills against a library of clin...
12. 3M Littmann Learning Institute - Free download and
Link: https://download.cnet.com/3M-Littmann-Learning-Institute/3000-2129_4-76450642.html
Description: Aug 19, 2015 . The 3M Littmann Learning Institute app is useful whether youre at the start of your career or nearing the top of your profession and wanting to …
13. Littmann™ Learning on the App Store
Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/littmann-learning/id1324485260
Description: Littmann Learning - powered by eMurmur - is the app for auscultation education. Now educators and students can have access to heart sounds, lung sounds, learning modules and more - anywhere, anytime. The app gives users access to real patient heart and lung sounds. Put the power of improved listening in your pocket with the Littmann Learning app.
14. Littmann® Stethoscopes Education & Training | 3M United
Link: https://www.3m.co.uk/3M/en_GB/Littmann-UK/education/
Description: Education and Training about 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes. Discover the advantages of listening. Become a more effective clinician by learning how to properly use your 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscope, and by learning the clinical skill of auscultation. Offers for students. Find help for buying and learning to use a stethoscope.
15. Littmann™ Learning - Apps on Google Play
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=at.csdlabs.emurmurprimer.paid&hl=en&gl=US
Description: Littmann Learning - powered by eMurmur - is the app for auscultation education. Now educators and students can have access to heart sounds, lung sounds, learning modules and more - anywhere, anytime. The app gives users access to real patient heart and lung sounds. Put the power of improved listening in your pocket with the Littmann Learning app.
16. 3M Littmann Learning Institute Download | ZDNet
Link: https://downloads.zdnet.com/product/2129-76450642/
Description: Aug 19, 2015 . The 3M Littmann Learning Institute app is useful whether youre at the start of your career or nearing the top of your profession and wanting to refresh your knowledge. It can be used by both Littmann stethoscope owners and those who use a different brand of stethoscope.
17. Littmann Learning Institute Heart Lung and Body Sounds Flyer
Link: https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/769886O/littmann-learning-institute-heart-lung-and-body-sounds-flyer.pdf
Description: Share sounds live with four other users of the 3M Littmann® Electronic Stethoscope Model 3200. (available for purchase) 3M™ Littmann® Listen-In Mobile Kit Visit www.littmann.com frequently to stay informed on the Littmann Learning Institute, and to learn more about all Littmann® products. 3M™ Littmann® Learning Institute Heart & Lung Sounds