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1. BC Tracking Association
Link: https://db.bctracking.org/login.aspx
Description: The British Columbia Tracking Association (BCTA) is a non-profit society. Our mandate is to not only oversee the high standards of training and to facilitate recognized tracker training opportunities throughout the province, but also to encourage the utilization of trained trackers in Search and Rescue operations.
2. Login | BCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/login
Description: Head Office. British Columbia Trucking Association 100-20111 93A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 4A9. Directions
3. British Columbia Tracking Association | Training trackers
Link: https://bctracking.org/
Description: Mar 16, 2020 . BC Tracking Association classes feature a large portion of time spent outdoors in the types of environments you would see on a task. May 2022 Track Aware Salt Spring Island – May 6, 2022 - May 8, 2022 at 6:00 pm - 3:00 pm
4. BC Trucking Association Online Training - CarriersEdge
Link: https://www.carriersedge.com/login/288
Description: Welcome to BC Trucking Association Online Training! To login, enter the username and password you were provided. Note: Username and password are not case sensitive. Forgot the login? Get help here.
5. BCTA Landing Page | BCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/
Description: Dec 09, 2021 . BC FLOODS: Industry Updates and Resources **LAST UPDATED: December 9, 2021 Please remember that the best resource for real-time highway conditions will always be DriveBC.ca, as the provincial... Read more. United States Customs and Border Protection Interim Special Measures November 19, 2021 The BCCC Secretariat has announced that in order to ...
6. Membership | BCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/membership
Description: Membership. Membership in BCTA frees you to focus on your business, while we represent your interests, keep you informed, find answers to your questions, provide industry training for your staff, as well as member programs and industry products for your company. Whether you are a 1- or 100-truck operation, membership in BCTA saves you time and ...
7. BC Tracking Association - Home
Link: https://bctracking.weebly.com/
Description: The British Columbia Tracking Association trains trackers for Search & Rescue operations. The BCTA sets the standard for tracker training in British Columbia. Learn More. ... a GSAR trainer, a team leader, a search manager, a tracker, a tracking teacher and eventually a UTS tracking instructor, Tony Rupp stepped away from volunteerism to focus ...
8. Shop | BCTA - BCTA Landing Page | BCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/shop
Description: Head Office. British Columbia Trucking Association 100-20111 93A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 4A9. Directions
9. Calendar of Events | BCTA - BCTA Landing Page | BCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/calendar
Description: event 5:30 pm · Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel, Surrey. Join BCTA for an evening filled with laughter and celebration. Invite your spouse, staff members and client guests to celebrate the festive season with excellent food, entertainment and the camaraderie of industry friends. Registration includes a Gourmet Christmas Buffet Dinner ...
10. Log/Trip Inspection Books | BCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/category/shop/logtrip-inspection-books
Description: Daily Log Books for Bus/Coach. · Contains both a detailed DVIR report and drivers daily log. with hours of service graph. · Compliant in Canada and the United States. · Contains the NSC Schedule 2 & 3. Book Format. · Measures 5 ½” x 8 ½”. qty Single 100, +$346.25 500, +$1,621.25. Non-member price: $3.75.
11. Home - Ontario Trucking Association - OTA
Link: https://ontruck.org/
Description: The Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) was founded in 1926, and provides services and public policy advocacy for trucking companies hauling freight into, out of and within the Province of Ontario. OTA is the only trucking association in Ontario that represents all segments of the industry - for-hire carriers, private carriers, intermodal ...
12. Member Services - Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Link: https://www.bcbs.com/member-services
Description: Search for Doctors, Hospitals and Dentists Blue Cross Blue Shield members can search for doctors, hospitals and dentists:. In the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. Outside the United States. Select Blue Cross Blue Shield Global™ or GeoBlue if you have international coverage and need to find care outside the United States.
13. Daily Log Book for Trucks BCTA ShopBCTA
Link: https://www.bctrucking.com/shop/daily-log-books-trucks
Description: Head Office. British Columbia Trucking Association 100-20111 93A Avenue Langley, BC V1M 4A9. Directions
14. Home - Truck Loggers Association
Link: https://www.tla.ca/
Description: The Truck Loggers Association is an influential voice in the forest industry on behalf of its 500 member companies across BC. Celebrating 75 years of advocacy, the TLA was formed to give independent loggers a collective voice in the changes taking place in society and the forest industry, as well as to share information about newly developing logging machines, methods, …
15. British Columbia Tracking Association Society - Facebook
Link: https://www.facebook.com/BCTrackingAssociation/
Description: British Columbia Tracking Association Society. 574 likes · 2 talking about this. The British Columbia Tracking Association provides tracking training for … Followers: 640
Followers: 640
16. CVSE - Home
Link: https://www.cvse.ca/
Description: Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement. This web site provides information on CVSE programs for commercial and private vehicles. These programs provide general information affecting commercial carriers, vehicle inspection programs, National Safety Code information, and contain various publications and reference materials.
17. BC Tracking Association on the App Store - Apple Inc.
Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bc-tracking-association/id1227545022
Description: The British Columbia Tracking Assoication provides professional training in Tracking for the 80+ Search and Rescue groups across the province of BC. This app provides a valuable and growing toolset for BCTA members and instructors including a …
18. CVSE - National Safety Code - British Columbia
Link: https://www.th.gov.bc.ca/cvse/national_safety_code.htm
Description: British Columbia’s program objective is to ensure that carriers maintain the minimum standards for their drivers and their vehicles, thus preserving road safety through lower numbers of safety related offences, vehicles out-of-service and, ultimately, crash rates. ... BC Trucking Association . Information for Shippers .
19. BC Trucking Association - Home | Facebook
Link: https://business.facebook.com/TruckingBC/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68&fref=nf
Description: BC Trucking Association, Langley, British Columbia. 1,069 likes · 102 talking about this · 17 were here. BCTA is a member-based, province-wide, non …