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1. G'dayMoji - Australian Emojis
Link: https://gdaymoji.com.au/
Description: G'dayMoji - Australian Emojis. Express yourself like a true blue Aussie by sending an emoji sticker of a lovestruck koala, a sausage sanga, an esky full of beer, or many more icons that translate the Australian lifestyle into the language of emoji. Send an icon directly from the G'dayMoji app, or use the custom G'dayMoji keyboard while you’re ...
2. Gmail - Google Search
Link: https://accounts.google.com/login?service=mail&lp=1
Description: Gmail is email that’s intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access.
3. Sign in - Google Accounts
Link: https://accounts.google.com/Login
Description: Sign in - Google Accounts
4. Gmail - Email from Google
Link: https://mail.google.com/mail
Description: Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access.
5. G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie
Link: https://www.examiner.com.au/story/5191924/text-like-a-true-blue-aussie-with-new-gdaymoji-app/
Description: Jan 26, 2018 . G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie’. You can now express yourself like a ‘true blue Aussie’ with Australian themed emojis made in Mudgee. G’dayMoji is Australia ...
6. G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie
Link: https://www.centralwesterndaily.com.au/story/5191924/text-like-a-true-blue-aussie-with-new-gdaymoji-app/
Description: Jan 26, 2018 . G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie’ Honor Elliott You can now express yourself like a ‘true blue Aussie’ with Australian themed emojis made in Mudgee.
7. G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie
Link: https://www.theland.com.au/story/5192221/text-like-a-true-blue-aussie-with-new-gdaymoji-app/
Description: Jan 26, 2018 . Text like a ‘true blue Aussie’ with new G’dayMoji app 3 years, 8 months ago G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie’ Honor Elliott @honor_elliott 26 Jan 2018, 3 p.m.
8. Text like a ‘true blue Aussie’ with new G’dayMoji app
Link: https://www.mudgeeguardian.com.au/story/5191410/text-like-a-true-blue-aussie-with-new-gdaymoji-app/
Description: Jan 26, 2018 . The plan is to continue expanding the app, with friends and family already suggesting new emoji ideas. “We’ve been getting lots of good feedback like adding a flaming galah, which would be really fun,” Amber said. G’dayMoji is currently available on itunes, download the app HERE.
9. Bitmoji
Link: https://www.bitmoji.com/account/
Description: Log In. Log in. Forgot Password
10. G'dayMoji crashes - what to do? Tips & solutions - App
Link: https://probleme.app/en/gdaymoji-crashes/
Description: G’dayMoji keeps crashing and you don’t know why? Then find out here what you can do if G’dayMoji keeps crashing. Again and again there is the message that numerous apps crash. The reasons can not be more different and so it is the responsibility of the app developer to avoid crashes for many problems.
11. Codemoji® - Coding for Kids!
Link: https://codemoji.com/
Description: Codemoji's unique approach to teaching programming ensures that children have fun while learning basic coding skills applicable to all areas of STEM. Codemoji keeps learning fun while kids learn real coding skills. Codemoji is a company that has coding for kids at the forefront of everything we do.
12. G'dayMoji on the App Store
Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gdaymoji/id1185354461
Description: Jan 17, 2018 . G'day! G'dayMoji is Australia’s own set of emoticons! Express yourself like a true blue Aussie by sending an emoji sticker of a lovestruck koala, a sausage sanga, an esky full of beer, or many more icons that translate the Australian lifestyle into the language of emoji. Send an icon directly fro…
13. G'dayMoji on the App Store
Link: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/gdaymoji/id1185354461
Description: G'day! G'dayMoji is Australia’s own set of emoticons! Express yourself like a true blue Aussie by sending an emoji sticker of a lovestruck koala, a sausage sanga, an esky full of beer, or many more icons that translate the Australian lifestyle into the language of emoji. Send an icon directly from the G'dayMoji app, or use the custom G ...
14. G-day Photos
Link: http://gdayphotos.passgallery.com/
Description: Dr. John Oliver Abimbola Davies-Cole. Login. View gallery
15. G’dayMoji app allows you to text like a ‘true blue Aussie
Link: https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/5191924/text-like-a-true-blue-aussie-with-new-gdaymoji-app/
Description: Jan 26, 2018 . G'day, Moji, Mudgee, Guardian, Amber Hooper, Sam Paine, App, Australia You can now express yourself like a ‘true blue Aussie’ with Australian themed emojis made in Mudgee. G’dayMoji is Australia’s own set of emoticons and the creation of local photographer Amber Hooper.
16. Australia gets its own set of emojis - Mazuma Australia Blog
Link: https://www.mazumamobile.com.au/blog/mobile-phone-news/australia-gets-its-own-set-of-emojis/
Description: Jan 27, 2018 . Lucky for us down under, there's a new set of Aussie-themed emojis available for iOS phones, courtesy of NSW's Amber Hooper. G'dayMoji is a set of 105 hand-drawn, custom emojis, each of which has a uniquely Australian twist. They come in six different categories: Culture, Sport, Food and Drink, Locations, Lingo, and Animals.
17. Bitmoji - Chrome Web Store
Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bitmoji/bfgdeiadkckfbkeigkoncpdieiiefpig
Description: Turn Off the Lights. 35,828. Ad. Added. Shades Chrome to a soothing orange color to decrease eye-strain, eye fatigue and to appease your brain's day/night cycle.
18. Create a Bitmoji Account – Bitmoji Support
Link: https://support.bitmoji.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001493786-Create-a-Bitmoji-Account
Description: Welcome to Bitmoji! There are two different ways to create a Bitmoji account: via Snapchat or with an email address. Download the Bitmoji Mobile app for Android or iOS to get started!. Create an account so your mini-me can be saved and accessed in all the places you can use Bitmoji 👯♀️. Q: I don’t use Snapchat, how can I create an account with my email?
19. CBS Daytime launches Daymoji app | Soap Central on Soap
Link: https://www.soapcentral.com/soapcentral/news/2001/0723-pg_sale.php
Description: Jun 22, 2001 . P&G's first foray into TV soaps came on December 4th, 1950 with the broadcast of The First Hundred Years. The soap was also the first soap opera to appear on CBS. P&G next debuted The Guiding Light on television on June 30th, 1952. The program had been airing on radio for over 15 years. Among its other well-known soaps are Another World and The ...